Ladybug Room

Room Overview

Ages: 30 months – 5 years
Capacity: 24 children

The Ladybug Room offers a preschool-age program for up to 24 children ages 30 months to 5 years by five early childhood educators. Children typically “graduate” from the Ladybug Room when they enter Kindergarten.


7:30 – 9:30 am

Good Morning Everyone. Free play.
An unstructured play time where the children can just play, be creative with: blocks, play-dough, dress-up, art materials, wherever their imaginations take them. Children are supported by educators through this time to build and develop their own skills at an individual pace.

9:30 – 10:15 am

Toileting and a healthy snack shared with our friends.

10:15 – 10:30 am

Tidy-up Time Transition Circle
Together we put away our toys, then gather together for a song, and divide into two groups. One group will stay inside for story time while the second group gets ready and goes outside.

10:30 – 11:45 am

The two groups take turns playing outside and doing story time:

Group Story Time
Children come together and are guided by an educator for movement and music; learn songs, act out and listen to stories, learn rhymes and rhythm, share stories, learn how to sit in a large group, all skills that prepare them for their future and kindergarten.

Group Outside Play
Children have the opportunity to run, climb and explore the outdoors. Outdoor play gives children the opportunity to use and develop gross motor skills.

11:45 am -12:30 pm

Lunch time
Healthy lunches from home while we engage in conversation with peers and teachers

12:30 – 12:50 pm

Lunch tidy-up and toileting

12:50 – 1:30 pm

Quiet rest time begins
Children are given an individual quiet time to recharge and rest their bodies and minds to ensure a more productive afternoon.

1:30- 2:30 pm

Quiet free play
Tables are set up with materials based on the children’s interests.

2:30- 3 pm

Toileting & Healthy Snack

3 – 4 pm

Outside Free Play

4 pm


5:30 pm

See you tomorrow.
Our centre closes for the day.

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Ladybug Room Media Gallery